What if AI wrote Your CV?

I worked as a columnist for multiple newspapers for over 35 years. Yeah! Do the maths!!!! But there’s a large online archive of my writing and my public speaking profile. So I asked CHAT GPT to write a short author’s blurb for me. Apparently, I’m amazing.

But here’s the heads up. Recruitment agencies are using AI to define criteria for certain jobs and then they use AI to rank applicants using those criteria. You may want to check AI before lodging an application.

Here’s a few lines from my AI written author’s blurb just so you know how BRILLIANT I am.

‘Kerry Cue is a captivating author known for her witty, insightful, and often humorous explorations of the human experience.’

‘Kerry Cue’s writing will make you laugh, cry, and ponder, all while reminding you of the beauty in the ordinary.’

That’s me. I specialise in being brilliantly ordinary!!!!!!!

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